Category: Health & Fitness

Devoted Friend Lifestyle

It’s time! Seven years ago, I did my first online bodybuilding competition. It was required that social media play a big role in the contest. Sharing out food, workouts and progress pics on Instagram/Twitter/Facebook was a part of our overall scoring. I signed up for Twitter with zero following and it has grown to over […]

Impossible Burger

I’m going meatless until further notice and it’s going quite well, it’s day 2, so it’s going well. For our first dinner I made a huge pan of gluten free Mac n cheese with Gruyère, cheddar, Parmesan and mozzarella and a big salad. Tonight, we had tacos, because it’s Tuesday. I knew there were lots […]

What Would Happen If…?

As many of you know I watched the Netflix series You Are What You Eat, and after that I started thinking about what I eat, I’m not sold on any particular diet/lifestyle but I’m interested in exploring all options for my best life. I want to feel, perform and look the best I can. What […]


After years of being disorganized and feeling like something was missing in my brain, I was diagnosed with ADHD I was on 4 prescriptions at the time for anxiety and depression and other issues. I was able to stop all of them when I began taking Vyvanse. Treating my ADHD made me feel whole, I […]

Golden Slumber

Sleep! When I was younger I could sleep late on weekend or every day during summer break, it was nothing to wake up at noon. In my 20s sleeping late on my days off was a luxury I looked forward to. When I had children I realized my sleep was not my own, I would […]

Forest Bathing

Forest bathing? What it is? Before you get too excited, there’s no nudity involved, usually…just kidding, no nudity. Forest bathing is a practice of being in nature, fully immersed in nature and your surroundings, no clock, no phone, just mindfulness and peace. I do film and photograph at some point when I’m in nature but […]