Category: My Journey

Taking Off the Mask

When my kids were little we went through a drive thru, as we were driving off my oldest said, “Mom, why do you use a fake voice sometimes?” An ever observant child, she realized something we all do but few acknowledge. We wear a mask, we pretend, we have “a voice” for different people at […]

Devoted Friend Lifestyle

It’s time! Seven years ago, I did my first online bodybuilding competition. It was required that social media play a big role in the contest. Sharing out food, workouts and progress pics on Instagram/Twitter/Facebook was a part of our overall scoring. I signed up for Twitter with zero following and it has grown to over […]

Impossible Burger

I’m going meatless until further notice and it’s going quite well, it’s day 2, so it’s going well. For our first dinner I made a huge pan of gluten free Mac n cheese with Gruyère, cheddar, Parmesan and mozzarella and a big salad. Tonight, we had tacos, because it’s Tuesday. I knew there were lots […]


I just started reading Malcolm Gladwell’s groundbreaking best seller, Blink. It is almost 20 years old and while I’d heard of it I’d never read it. I recently saw it at my local Goodwill while I was thrifting, I don’t talk about it much but I love thrift stores, I love repurposing stuff. I love […]

What Would Happen If…?

As many of you know I watched the Netflix series You Are What You Eat, and after that I started thinking about what I eat, I’m not sold on any particular diet/lifestyle but I’m interested in exploring all options for my best life. I want to feel, perform and look the best I can. What […]

When Life Hands You Lemons…

When life hands you lemons, you wait and wait and wait. That is if you’re growing them yourself. In January or maybe February of this year we visited a greenhouse on the coast of Maine. It was so cold outside and there was snow covering everything. It was luxurious to wander through the greenhouse smelling […]